Kozagawa YUZU

About Our Yuzu Production

More than 90% of the yuzu produced domestically in Japan comes from Shikoku and Kyushu. While Wakayama Prefecture is the largest producer on Honshu, it accounts for only about 2% of the total national production. This rarity enhances the allure and value of yuzu grown in this region.

In the Hirai district, blessed with mountains and the clear streams of the Kozagawa River, we harvest yuzu that are incredibly refreshing and fragrant. The unique microclimate and pristine natural environment make our yuzu particularly special and highly sought after by connoisseurs.

About Us

Kozagawa Yuzu Hirai no Sato Agricultural Association is committed to revitalizing our community, creating an environment where residents can live bright and healthy lives with a sense of purpose, and passing down a sustainable region to the next generation in collaboration with the local people.

We carefully produce each product with the assurance that it can be safely enjoyed by our children, grandchildren, and families.


Kozagawa Town

Kozagawa Town is the largest town in Wakayama Prefecture in terms of area, but 96% of it is covered by forests. It is located in the southern part of the Kii Peninsula and has a population of just 2,800 people. Deep in the mountains of this town, in the heart of the Oto Mountain Range where pristine forests remain, you will find Yuzu no Sato Hirai.

This area is blessed with rich nature, with clear streams flowing between the mountains.



平素はご愛顧を賜りまして、誠にありがとうございます。 2月4日(火)~7日(金)頃にかけて、北日本から西日本の広い範囲で大雪となる予報となっており、一部地域においては、お荷物のお届けに遅れが生じております。 大雪により、 […]



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